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What was covered

During the Q3 Catchlight Product Webinar our presenters shared insights about what we're seeing on the platform, the changes we've made based on your feedback and what's up next! They also covered an overview of the Martech landscape and how RIAs can leverage tech to drive growth in their firms through personalization. 

We look forward to bringing you more content that may be helpful and relevant to your organic growth! If you have ideas for what you want covered in a future webinar, let us know below. 

The webinar was recorded on Tuesday July 19th, 2022

Share your ideas for future webinar topics here: 

Featured Presenters

Yelena Headshot

Yelena Melamed
Head of Product, Catchlight

Gwendaline Headshot

Gwendaline Mazarra
VP Practice Management and Consulting, Fidelity Institutional